Santa Clarita Slip & Fall Lawyers - OPO Law California



Don’t Allow Someone’s Negligence to Derail Your Future.

A quick trip to the grocery store or Saturday night out with friends can suddenly become painful and life-altering when your feet slip out from under you. In one split second, you may find yourself lying on the ground in pain, wondering what just happened.

Whether it was caused by a poorly lit stairway, slippery floor, or some other form of negligence, you may have been the victim of a slip and fall injury.

Businesses have a duty to put a good faith effort into reasonably maintaining their property in a manner that’s safe for guests. When they fail in that duty, you may be left to bear the brunt of someone’s negligence. Your injuries may prevent you from going back to work, adding financial hardships to your physical pain and suffering.

While we wish we could undo your traumatic experience altogether, we can’t. But with nearly 50 years of experience, the personal injury law firm of Owen, Patterson & Owen can fight for your rights so that you can get your life back on track.

We have handled thousands of slip and fall injury claims throughout Southern California.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a slip and fall accident in Santa Clarita or the greater Southern California area, we are here to help in your time of need. Our experienced slip and fall accident attorneys will build a strong case so that you can get the resources you need to make a full recovery.

For a free legal consultation with a slip & fall injury lawyer serving Santa Clarita, call 800-672-5295

How a Slip and Fall Accident Attorney Can Help

You Win Your Case

Navigating a slip or trip and fall claim can be a complicated and time-consuming endeavor. Before you can file your claim, you will need to gather evidence to support a claim of negligence. Once the claim is filed, you will need to negotiate with any parties that may have contributed to your injuries. As you can imagine, this process can be quite difficult for someone who doesn’t have specialized legal training.

To make matters worse, many insurance companies resort to using underhanded stall tactics to deny your claim or delay your case. That’s why it’s crucial to have a knowledgeable slip and fall accident lawyer in your corner.

At Owen, Patterson & Owen, our skilled slip and fall accident lawyers can handle all of the intricate details of your case. From the moment you put your trust in us, we will take care of every part of the claims process. This will allow you to focus on regaining your health and putting your life back together.

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    A quick trip to the grocery store or Saturday night out with friends can suddenly become painful and life-altering when your feet slip out from under you. In one split second, you may find yourself lying on the ground in pain, wondering what just happened.

    Whether it was caused by a poorly lit stairway, slippery floor, or some other form of negligence, you may have been the victim of a slip and fall injury and should seek representation from legal counsel.

    Businesses have a duty to put a good faith effort into reasonably maintaining their property in a manner that’s safe for guests. When they fail in that duty, you may be left to bear the brunt of someone’s negligence. Your injuries may prevent you from going back to work, adding financial hardships to your physical pain and suffering.

    While we wish we could undo your traumatic experience altogether, we can’t. But with nearly 50 years of experience, the personal injury law firm of Owen, Patterson & Owen can fight for your rights in pursuing a fair settlement so that you can get your life back on track.

    We have handled thousands of slip and fall injury claims throughout Southern California.

    If you or a loved one have been injured in a slip and fall accident in Santa Clarita or the greater Southern California area, we are here to help in your time of need. Our experienced slip and fall accident attorneys will build a strong case so that you can get the resources you need to make a full recovery.

    For a free legal consultation with a slip & fall injury lawyer serving Santa Clarita, call 800-672-5295

    How a Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer Can Help You Win Your Case

    Navigating a slip or trip and fall claim can be a complicated and time-consuming endeavor. Before you can file your claim, you will need to gather evidence to support a claim of negligence. Once the claim is filed, you will need to negotiate with any parties that may have contributed to your injuries. As you can imagine, this process can be quite difficult for someone who doesn’t have specialized legal training.

    To make matters worse, many insurance companies resort to using underhanded stall tactics to deny your claim or delay your case. That’s why it’s crucial to have a knowledgeable slip and fall accident lawyer in your corner.

    At Owen, Patterson & Owen, our skilled slip and fall accident lawyers can handle all of the intricate details of your case. From the moment you put your trust in us, we will take care of every part of the claims process. This will allow you to focus on regaining your health and putting your life back together.

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      The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.


      Things to Consider When Selecting a Santa Clarita Slip and Fall Accident Attorney

      Not all personal injury firms are created equal. When you partner with the experienced personal injury professionals at Owen, Patterson & Owen, you will get to work with a compassionate legal team that is truly committed to the wellbeing of our clients.

      Here are a few of the advantages we bring to your case:

      • We offer a free consultation in which we can review your case and help you to understand your rights
      • We have been voted the number one personal injury firm by Santa Clarita residents for multiple years
      • Our attorneys have been featured in the Super Lawyers list regularly
      • As part of our dedication to giving back, our attorneys have served on multiple boards throughout Santa Clarita and Southern California.

      Common Slip and Fall Accidents Injuries

      The injuries associated with a slip and fall accident can vary greatly. Depending on the impact, your fall can cause minor injuries or severe disability. 

      Some common types of slip and fall-related injuries include:

      • Head injuries
      • Sprained ankles or wrists
      • Knee or shoulder dislocation
      • Spinal damage or nerve damage
      • Broken bones

      No matter how minor your fall may seem, it is crucial that you seek medical attention immediately after an accident. Only a medical professional can accurately diagnose the severity of your injuries.

      Leading Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

      Unfortunately, a slip and fall accident can happen just about anywhere. It can occur at work, the local park, in front of your neighbor’s house, or even at the grocery store. Each year, trip or slip and fall accidents send more than one million people to the emergency room.

      Despite the fact that these incidents are extremely common, most of them are completely preventable. The primary causes of these accidents are uneven surfaces, poor lighting, damaged handrails, and wet floors.

      Property owners and employers alike have a responsibility to ensure that their premises are safe. When they fail to meet these obligations, they should be held accountable.

      slip and fall down the stairs accident

      What to Do After Your Slip and Fall Accident

      • Seek medical treatment—Your health should be your primary concern, so you should see a doctor shortly after the accident. This can allow you to properly document any injuries that may have occurred.
      • Report your accident—Prior to leaving the scene of an accident, be sure to inform the owner or property manager of your slip and fall accident and request details of the incident in writing.
      • Take photos of the location—If possible, snap photos of the conditions surrounding your injury. This information will later be used as evidence to validate your slip and fall injury claim.
      • Refuse to give statements—Limit your communications with the property owner or manager and avoid giving a statement to the insurance company until you’ve consulted an attorney. Insurance companies can try to distort the information you provide in an attempt to deny your claim.
      • Contact an Attorney—When you’ve been involved in a slip and fall accident, the best person to contact is an attorney. Slip and fall claims can be challenging to prove. A slip and fall accident attorney at OPO can guide you through the legal process and handle every aspect of your accident claim.

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      Learn About Your Rights and Legal Options

      If you or a loved one has been the victim of a slip and fall accident, contact Owen, Patterson & Owen to schedule your consultation. During this free evaluation, an experienced slip and fall lawyer will review your case and advise your best options to recover the maximum amount of compensation.
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