Porter Ranch Gas Leak Funds Update - OPO Law California

Porter Ranch Gas Leak Funds Update

Dear Client:

If you do not have private medical liens and we have not been advised by Medi-Cal or Medicare of any holds, your Distribution Statement is in process. It will be emailed to you for electronic signature and you will be requested to confirm the address where you want your check delivered. Your settlement check will then be sent to you via Federal Express within seven business days of our receipt of your signed Distribution Statement.

Distribution Statements are not being sent in alphabetical order like the previous notices. They are being sent as they become available. It is possible that members of the same household receive their Distribution Statements and subsequent settlement checks at different times. This is not a cause for concern.

To those with medical liens, we continue to work on reductions on your behalf. We appreciate your patience and are optimistic to have a resolution within the next 30 days or less.

To those who receive Medicare and/or Medi-Cal benefits (past or present), your Distribution Statement will not be prepared until the Lien Resolution Administrator (LRA) for the Porter Ranch Settlement Program updates your lien status and removes the hold. The LRA is responsible for communicating with these public entities directly. The LRA then provides updates on a monthly basis. Once the hold is removed, we will be in a position to prepare your Distribution Statement.

To those households with minor children, the Court must approve each minor’s settlement. We do not have a time frame for the Court’s approval at this time, but we will update you once we receive further instruction.

To those of you acting on behalf of a deceased client, Distribution Statements will be made available at a later time.

Thank you so much for your patience and cooperation. Have a wonderful day!


We are requesting that you refrain from calling the office so that we can focus our manpower on getting the Distribution Statements and settlement checks out. If you need to contact the office, please send us an email.

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