Depo-Provera Injections - Law Offices of Owen, Patterson and Owen


Let our experienced legal team file a claim for YOUR injuries and damages. We will fight for YOUR rights and health!

Were You Diagnosed with Meningioma After Taking Depo-Provera?

If you were prescribed Depo-Provera, Depo-Provera SubQ, or an “authorized generic” and developed meningioma tumors near the brain or spine, you may be entitled to compensation. Symptoms of meningiomas can include chronic headaches, fatigue, vision problems, cognitive deficits, seizures, speech difficulties, depression, and more.

For a free legal consultation with a Depo-Provera Injections lawyer, call 661-799-3899

At Owen, Patterson & Owen Injury Law Firm (OPO Law), we’ve been fighting for the rights of injury victims in mass tort cases since 1977. Our decades of experience mean we know how to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable and get you the justice you deserve.

Call 661-799-3899 or visit to speak with one of our expert attorneys. We’re here to help women like you every step of the way—because you deserve compassionate legal support and results you can count on.

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    Were You Diagnosed with Meningioma After Taking Depo Provera?

    If you were prescribed Depo-Provera, Depo Provera SubQ, or an “authorized generic” and developed meningioma tumors near the brain or spine, you may be entitled to compensation. Symptoms of meningiomas can include chronic headaches, fatigue, vision problems, cognitive deficits, seizures, speech difficulties, depression, and more.

    For a free legal consultation with a Depo-Provera Injections lawyer, call 661-799-3899
    At Owen, Patterson & Owen Injury Law Firm (OPO Law), we’ve been fighting for the rights of injury victims in mass tort cases since 1977. Our decades of experience mean we know how to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable and get you the justice you deserve.

    Call 661-799-3899 or visit to speak with one of our expert attorneys. We’re here to help women like you every step of the way—because you deserve compassionate legal support and results you can count on.

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      The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.


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      Learn About Your Rights and Legal Options

      If you or someone you know has suffered from the Depo-Provera Injections, it is time to act. Contact Owen, Patterson & Owen for a confidential consultation at 661-749-7870 or 888-OPO-WINS or visit us at

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